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- Research projects/
- C01: Gene-environment interactions and the role of impulsivity in responding to acute threats: early life stress and escalated aggression in recombinant inbred mouse strains/
C01: Gene-environment interactions and the role of impulsivity in responding to acute threats: early life stress and escalated aggression in recombinant inbred mouse strains
Sex-dependent effects
and gene-environment interactions will be investigated by applying escalating aggression paradigms. Specifically, the
project will investigate the effects of early life stress on aggression in response to threat and hyperactivity as well as social
decision-making in 32 BXD mouse strains, the progenitor strains (C057Bl/6J and DBA/2J), and the F1 BXD cross. The project
aims to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) and putative candidate genes contained within the QTL and associate
them with specific behavioral responses of stressed and unstressed cohorts of mice. The publicly available database
GeneNetwork (www.genenetwork.org) will be used to validate the findings which include measurements of mRNA and
protein expression, and methylation patterns in mouse brains
David Slattery
A07: The intestinal microbiota as a regulator of aggressive and impulsive behavior
A08: The metabolic lung-brain axis in aggressive behavior in patients with AMD
C01: Gene-environment interactions and the role of impulsivity in responding to acute threats: early life stress and escalated aggression in recombinant inbred mouse strains
Q03: Integrated Research Training Group (RTG)
Principal investigator
Research training group (RTG) committee member
Public relations team member
Citizen Advisory Boad
Goethe University Frankfurt
Professor David Slattery is interested in understanding of the neurobiology and treatment of stress-related disorders; with an emphasis on mood and anxiety disorders.